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(Visual Description: How to simplify paying your bills

Money and Mindset

Truist title and log)

Speaker 1:         

Make paying bills easier.

Bills are facts of life. While it's not much fun to pay them, it sure feels good to have some control over them, and there are ways to make paying bills each month a little more simple.

Juggling multiple bills and keeping up with different payment methods can be complicated.

Plus, bill due dates don't always align with your paydays, which could lead to late payments and fees that can hurt your credit.

(Visual Description: Mismanaged bills may cause:

Late payments

Late fees

Credit issues)

Streamlining when and how you pay your bills helps organize your money and may give you more control over your cashflow.

(Visual Description: Animations of income and expenses circulate.

As a first step, review the dates when your bills are due. If they're concentrated in one part of the month, contact the companies to see if you can change your due dates to align with your pay schedule.

Try and split your bills between paydays so your payments aren't all coming from one check.

You can also set up automatic payments to help make sure you don't miss any due dates.

And if your job offers direct deposit, that's a great way to make sure you're getting your paycheck as soon as possible.

Following these tips to simplify your bill payments can reduce stress while helping you get more organized and more confident with your finances.

For more tips and inspiration, visit

(Visual Description: Truist title and logo)


This content does not constitute legal, tax, accounting, financial, investment, or mental health advice. You are encouraged to consult with competent legal, tax, accounting, financial, investment, or mental health professionals based on your specific circumstances. We do not make any warranties as to accuracy or completeness of this information, do not endorse any third-party companies, products, or services described here, and take no liability for your use of this information.

Truist Bank, Member FDIC. 02023 Truist Financial Corporation. Trust, the Truist logo and Truist Purple are service marks of Trust Financial Corporation.

Cómo simplificar el pago de facturas

Construir un presupuesto por valores

Simplifique cuándo y cómo paga sus facturas para organizar sus finanzas y tener un mejor control de su dinero.

Las facturas forman parte de la vida. Aunque no es divertido pagarlas, sin duda es bueno tener cierto control sobre ellas. De hecho, simplificar cuándo y cómo paga sus facturas puede ayudarle a organizarse más, reducir el estrés y aumentar su confianza. En este video le mostraremos algunas cosas que puede probar, entre ellas:

  • Actualizar las fechas de vencimiento de sus facturas para ver si pueden alinearse mejor con su calendario de pagos.
  • Automatizar el pago de sus facturas para evitar cargos por pago atrasado y simplificar la forma de pagar las facturas.
  • Configurar el depósito directo para asegurarse de que su cheque de pago esté ahí cuando lo necesite.

Si desea recibir más ayuda para alcanzar un mejor nivel de confianza financiera y bienestar, vea esta recopilación de historias.

Este contenido no constituye asesoramiento legal, fiscal, contable, financiero, de inversión ni de salud mental. Le alentamos a consultar con profesionales competentes en asuntos legales, fiscales, contables, financieros, de inversiones y de salud mental en función de sus circunstancias específicas. No garantizamos la veracidad ni la integridad de esta información; tampoco avalamos compañías, productos o servicios de terceros aquí descriptos ni asumimos la responsabilidad legal por el uso que usted le dé a la presente información.