Bright Dickson (00:10):
Hello, hello, hello. It's time for another episode of Money and Mindset with Bright and Brian, where we talk about ways you can boost your financial confidence and mental well-being and explore how those two things so often go hand in hand. I'm Bright Dickson, a lifelong student of positive psychology and also a senior purpose advisor here at Truist. And let me welcome my podcast co-host and my buddy Brian Ford, the head of financial wellness at Truist and an all-around money maestro. Hola, Brian.
Brian Ford (00:40):
Hola, Bright. Gracias por esa presentación. Money Maestro, huh? I kind of like it. Quizás debería agregarlo a mis tarjetas de presentación inmediatamente después de terminar con la grabación de hoy.
Bright Dickson (00:51):
Me imaginé que te encantaría.
Brian Ford (00:54):
Well, speaking of titles, your actual title at Truist, it's pretty cool, senior purpose advisor. Explícanos eso. ¿Qué significa?
Bright Dickson (01:05):
Si, es un poco inusual. Una respuesta breve a esa pregunta sería que ayudo a nuestros miembros del equipo, líderes y organizaciones en Truist a definir su propósito e implementar un plan de acción. Otra manera de expresar eso es que ayudo a las personas a crear y descubrir su por qué, y eso es lo que puede inspirarlos a vivir en su máximo potencial.
Brian Ford (01:28):
Nice. So Bright, we've worked together long enough to know firsthand you are pretty dang good at your job. So friends, let me tell you, we are in good hands for today's episode because we'll be talking all about purpose and even showing you how you can go about creating your own personal purpose statement. Y no existe nadie mejor que Bright para orientarnos con respecto a esto. She is literally a pro, like for real. She gets paid to do this stuff, guys.
Bright Dickson (01:57):
I do, and I would do it if I didn't because I love this topic. Let me throw those compliments right back at you, Brian. You're so amazing at empowering people to connect their financial habits to their values and vice versa, and I think that plugs right in to what we're going to talk about around purpose.
Brian Ford (02:17):
Me suena a una buena teoría antigua sobre el dinero y la actitud. ¿Arrancamos?
Bright Dickson (02:23):
Brian Ford (02:31):
Now, I can pull up a dictionary or type the word purpose into Google, but I've got a feeling that's not going to get me quite the definition we're looking for, at least not the full meaning of purpose. Bien Bright, empecemos con eso. ¿De qué estamos hablando realmente hoy? ¿Qué es el propósito?
Bright Dickson (02:47):
So usually when I'm working with folks around purpose, one of the things I like to do to start off is to ask a couple of questions like what brings you joy? ¿Cuál es el logro que les da orgullo alcanzar? ¿Qué es lo mejor que les ha pasado hoy? So the idea with these questions is to get you thinking and really feeling about the strongest emotions in your life. So joy, pride, gratitude, but also those not-so-nice emotions like anger and sorrow. So I'll ask people, what's a loss you've suffered and why was it so meaningful to you? Entonces tomamos estas fuertes emociones como grandes hitos, por supuesto, pero también forman parte de nuestra vida cotidiana. Uno puede sentir estas emociones en una boda o en una graduación, o puede sentirlas en la fila del correo o volviendo a casa al finalizar el día de trabajo.
Brian Ford (03:42):
All right. So if boredom counts, I've definitely felt some strong emotions while waiting in the line at the post office. ¿Entonces, cuándo entra en juego el propósito si pensamos en estos tipos de momentos emotivos?
Bright Dickson (03:54):
Lo que estas emociones fuertes nos dicen es que algo importante, algo significativo está sucediendo. This is where purpose enters the equation. If meaning is what you take out of life, that emotion, purpose is what you put into it. Así que es una guía, una inspiración para vivir en base a un significado. So a quick way to say it is, your purpose is your why.
Brian Ford (04:24):
Me gusta eso. Entonces el propósito es lo que pones en tu vida. That is good stuff, way better than anything I would've gotten from a dictionary. Okay, so we know a little bit more about purpose, big picture, but how do you know what your purpose is?
Bright Dickson (04:40):
Esa es una gran pregunta y creo que ayuda reformularla. Tu propósito personal no es algo que encuentras al salir y buscarlo. No es algo que esté allí afuera; es algo que está aquí dentro. Lo creas mirando hacia adentro. Your personal purpose is also like just that. It's personal. It's created by you about you and for you. So when you ask this really big question of why am I here, you're really the only one with the power and ability to answer that question. Y la manera de explicar todo eso es escribiendo una declaración de propósito personal.
Brian Ford (05:25):
Oh boy, why am I here? That's a big question.
Bright Dickson (05:29):
Brian Ford (05:30):
So while I'm contemplating that, tell me more, Bright, how can writing a purpose statement actually help us?
Bright Dickson (05:37):
Cuando vives con un propósito, vives deliberadamente; tu propósito te ayuda en cierta forma a saber qué hacer durante los días buenos y los días malos. Al escribir tu declaración de propósito personal, estás de cierta manera dándote una directiva. Ese aspecto me ha ayudado un montón. I'm like anybody else, I've got my insecurities, I'm a complicated soup of human emotion, and sometimes I get a little lost and forget what I'm really trying to accomplish. Hay mucha información dando vueltas, muchas cosas alrededor mío que intentan decirme qué hacer, pero cuando vuelvo a mi declaración de propósito, es confiable, ¿verdad? Me dice qué hacer, cómo lidiar con algo, quién quiero ser en un momento dado.
Brian Ford (06:27):
All right. So for those of us that want to give writing out our personal purpose statement a shot, how do we get started?
Bright Dickson (06:33):
Trabajo con las personas para crear sus declaraciones todo el tiempo, y puede ser difícil. So I want to say that from the start, it's not necessarily an easy thing to do.
Brian Ford (06:43):
Bright Dickson (06:44):
It can be easy for some people, but for most people, they're trying to put something really big into something fairly small, and it's hard. Entonces lo que trato de enfatizar es que no existen las declaraciones de propósitos correctas o incorrectas. The important thing is that your purpose statement feels right for you. And the feel there is important, right? It doesn't sound right, it doesn't make sense, it feels right. Su propósito no viene de la nada. Viene de las experiencias de vida, de las alegrías y las tristezas y de los éxitos y los fracasos de uno. And that's why it's good to focus on those things that make you feel strong emotions, positive or negative, because it helps you ask yourself, what are the ways in which I'm already living into this? It's already present for you. Uno no lo inventa de la nada. Ya lo tiene en uno y quiere en cierta forma averiguar dónde está esa luz y seguirla.
Creating a purpose statement is an emotional exercise, not really an intellectual one. So our brain's going to be involved, of course, because it's involved with everything. But you want to make sure that you're sort of coming from a place of your true self and sort of where you are and what matters to you. Para que cuando lea su declaración de propósito, la sienta. So when I read my personal purpose statement, I kind of have a physical reaction to it. I can feel it. My heart swells a little bit. I think my heart rate goes up. It's kind of exciting to me. Y eso es lo que uno busca. Una reacción ante eso. Necesitan sentir algo. It needs to make you feel something, to feel energized, to feel motivated, maybe just like a little whiff of anxiety, just like the slightest touch of that's challenging.
Brian Ford (08:41):
Bright Dickson (08:41):
Brian Ford (08:42):
Bright Dickson (08:43):
You want to give yourself something to strive for, that you want to have that little in there too. One more tip, Brian, I encourage folks to try, this is hard, but to try to get their statement down to one sentence. One reason for that is you want to be able to remember it. You want to be able to use it, be able to call it up, and not have to do it with a document, but just with your mind. Back when I was in middle school and elementary school, high school, I don't remember exactly when they taught us, but the five-paragraph essay where it's like thesis, paragraph, paragraph, paragraph, conclusion, right?
Brian Ford (09:19):
Bright Dickson (09:20):
Esta es su presentación de tesis. We're all going to have paragraphs to it, but your purpose statement is that thesis statement. Todo se reduce a una oración que puedes recordar fácilmente.
Brian Ford (09:32):
Yeah, I like that. I mean, there's always going to be this stuff behind it that we know personally, but just making it nice and simple. Good stuff. I like where this conversation is going. Okay, so it's called a personal purpose statement, so I get that it's personal, it's for me, but I can tell other people about it, right?
Bright Dickson (09:51):
Si, por supuesto. Uno elige lo que quiere hacer con eso. It isn't necessary. But I do recommend that you share that purpose statement with somebody or a few somebodies who you're close to. People who know you well and people who are going to be honest with you, they can help you stay accountable and affirm and cheer you on. Y cuando estén alineadas con lo que más nos importa a nosotros... Eso puede ser realmente esclarecedor y ayudarnos a aprender incluso más sobre nuestro propósito y sobre nosotros mismos.
Brian Ford (10:24):
Yeah, I agree with sharing it. Para mí, agrega sentido de responsabilidad, y decirlo en voz alta tiene algo especial. So, Bright.
Bright Dickson (10:33):
Brian Ford (10:34):
You know I've gone through the materials that you've created here at Truist, and I've been working on my purpose statement for some time now, and in the spirit of sharing, you cool If I share mine?
Bright Dickson (10:45):
Si, por supuesto. Me encantaría escucharla.
Brian Ford (10:48):
Okay, cool. So I'm still playing around with it. I've fine-tuned it, I've shortened it, and I keep thinking about it. But okay, so here it goes. Así que mi propósito es fortalecer a las familias, aumentar la felicidad, nutrir la fe e inspirar grandeza.
Bright Dickson (11:10):
I love that, Brian. I mean that makes so much sense from who you are in the world and how I know you. Tell me a little bit more about how you arrived there. What's behind that? What are the paragraphs under that thesis?
Brian Ford (11:24):
Me llevó algo de tiempo y bastante reflexión, pero comencé con lo que me genera alegría. My family has always been at the core of who I am, as a son, a brother, a husband, a father, maybe even one day a grandfather. But these roles, they're important to me. Gran parte de mi éxito, bienestar mental y paz interior se los debo a mi familia, no solo a la hermosa familia en la que crecí, sino también a la familia que creamos mi esposa y yo. Pero las investigaciones y la sociología también respaldan la idea de que la familia como unidad básica de la sociedad es importantísima. Así que sin duda deseo fortalecer a mi propia familia, pero va mucho más allá. También quiero ayudar a fortalecer a otras familias.
As far as the increased happiness bit, really there, I just sat back and asked that big question that you posed earlier, why am I here? When I'm really just with myself and my own thoughts, part of the answer for me centers around being happy. Creo que estamos destinados a ser felices. No todo el tiempo. De hecho, creo que nuestra tristeza, los momentos tristes y nuestras pruebas realmente pueden ayudarnos a apreciar más los momentos felices. And it's not just about having fun, although that's a part of it, but for me, it really is that inner peace happiness. I not only want to be happy myself, I want my family to be happy, and I want those around me that I have some influence on to be happy as well. En realidad, podría decir que esta parte de mi declaración de propósito es mi motivación para este podcast. Creo genuinamente que lo que hablamos en este podcast ayudará a otros a ser más felices.
And then the third part is the nurture faith aspect of my purpose. This has a lot to do with my Christian upbringing and my beliefs. Tengo la certeza de que gran parte del éxito y la felicidad de mi familia se deben a nuestra fe. So for me, in my family reading scripture, having faith, going to church, and just having a loving community around us has been a big part of my life and my family and our happiness, and I want to continue to nurture my own faith. For me, I've learned that it's fragile, so I want to nurture my own faith and point others in that direction when it makes sense.
And then, Bright, finally, we've got that last part in my purpose statement, which is the inspire greatness, and that's the one I'm still tinkering with. A veces creo que sería mejor quitarla directamente. I'm like, "Should it just be more simple, the first three, strengthen families, increase happiness, nurture faith, end of story?" And every time I think that, there's this nagging in my soul that says, "Brian, there's something more there." Así que aún no estoy listo para quitar esa parte por completo, pero lo sigo pensando.
Bright Dickson (14:09):
Brian, that's awesome, and thank you for sharing that. I think it brings up a really important point for our listeners to keep in mind, which is this, your purpose can and should change over time. It is not written in stone. It is not a one-shot deal. Debería cambiar porque ustedes cambiarán. We change over our lifetimes as people. That is right and good and as it should be. And there may come a day, there may come several days, where you want to or need to go back and recalibrate and update your personal purpose statement so that it reflects who you are now and who you want to be in the future.
Brian Ford (14:50):
Okay, Bright, your turn. Si te sientes cómoda al compartirlo, me encantaría escuchar tu propósito.
Bright Dickson (14:57):
Por supuesto. Sí. Mi propósito es utilizar el cuidado, la ligereza y la imaginación para abogar con alegría por el coraje, la integridad y el amor individuales y sistémicos.
Brian Ford (15:11):
That is fantastic. That is a bright purpose if I've ever heard one. Repítelo una vez más para poder comprenderlo un poco mejor.
Bright Dickson (15:22):
Yes, it's a little bit of a mouthful. It is. Okay. So to use care, levity, and imagination to joyfully advocate for individual and systemic courage, integrity, and love.
Brian Ford (15:36):
That's good stuff. So I'm curious, what was your process like for coming up with that? I want to hear more about the why behind your why, if that makes sense.
Bright Dickson (15:47):
Yeah, 100%. So it involved a little bit of everything we've been talking about so far. So like you, it took me a while to sort of land on it and to feel that feeling in my heart where I'm like, "Yep." So I started by thinking about the things that move me emotionally, so positive and negative, like what makes me cry in a good way, what makes me cry in a bad way? I'm a crier, so there were a bunch of things that I wrote down, but I sort of narrowed it down to the ones that felt most powerful because those were the ones that I really wanted to focus on.
I'm an analogy girl, so the way that I kind of think about it is like collecting shells at the beach. So when I go to the beach, I'll walk on the beach and collect seashells. First, I'll grab anything that looks interesting, and I'll put it in my pocket or in my bucket or whatever. Before I leave, I don't take them all, I'll sort through everything that I've collected, and some stay. And then the ones that speak to me for whatever reason come, and they're going to get put in little piles around my home, which is a thing. I've got piles of rocks and seashells and bird feathers and all that kind of stuff around my house. So it's really about you kind of get everything you need and then you sort out what's really right here.
Brian Ford (17:13):
Yes, Bright, I have piles of rocks and seashells too. ¡Qué bueno! No sabía eso de ti.
Bright Dickson (17:21):
Yeah, same.
Brian Ford (17:22):
Yeah, I love it. So one day when my family was walking back to the car after a long day at the coast, my daughter who was just five, looked up at me and was like, "Dad, I think I have some beach in my bum." So she also likes to take a little beach home with her. But okay, look, getting back on track. So Bright, what did you do after you narrowed down the list of your strongest emotional seashells?
Bright Dickson (17:51):
What came next for me, and this is for me, this is my journey, so I started thinking about my character strengths. So what's the unique cocktail of me that I bring to the table? My strengths really are around these three things: care; levity, so humor, being able to lighten a situation; and imagination. Usually those are all kind of working together, and for me, the underlying thing behind all of that is curiosity, which is one of my favorite strengths in myself and certainly in other people. Creo que la curiosidad es una de las características más espectaculares del ser humano.
Brian Ford (18:31):
Concuerdo totalmente, Bright. Lo aprendí de ti. I love that when we're chatting even with a guest, you'll say, "I'm curious. Tell me more about that." Y me encanta eso de ti. So anyways, I'm just saying I'm digging this so far. Continúa.
Bright Dickson (18:45):
I'm one of those why people. I'm like, "Why? Why? Why? Why?" until I can get to the root of it. So it can be a good idea to include your strength in your purpose statement because those are the things that you can rely on. They're unique to you, they're energizing. And for me, they kind of tell me what to do. I'm like, "Okay, I don't know what to do in this situation." It's like, "All right, care, levity, imagination." I'm like, "All right, I can work with that." The part I'm still working on in my own purpose statement is the joyful advocacy bit. Es todo un desafío, pero me gusta. So I know how to angrily advocate. I know how to joyfully ignore, but the joyful advocacy is, I'm still figuring that out. Y esto de la defensa es importantísimo para mí y se debe a mis propias experiencias de vida y a mis emociones. Me lo transmitió mi papá. Mi papá trabajó en el sistema legal toda su vida, lo que es difícil. El sistema legal es un lugar difícil para trabajar.
Brian Ford (19:41):
Sin duda.
Bright Dickson (19:41):
Y trabajó toda su vida para personas que necesitaban ayuda dentro de un sistema muy complicado y muchas veces en circunstancias muy difíciles. Así que fue una gran inspiración para mí en ese sentido. Having that advocacy piece and the joyful advocacy piece in my statement tells me I need to speak up, I need to take action, and I need to do that with joy because I know in lot of ways I get better results from that.
Brian Ford (20:09):
Yeah, taking action, I think that's an important part of all this because without acting on your statement, those words are, well, they're just words.
Bright Dickson (20:20):
Sí. Ding, ding, ding. So coming up, we're going to talk more about acting on your purpose and share some insights into how money can help you live your personal purpose.
Brian Ford (20:32):
Suena bien. Nos vemos en el próximo segmento.
Antes de profundizar en el propósito, abramos nuestra bandeja de entrada y respondamos la pregunta de un oyente. I can tell you that just talking about my own purpose statement today has made me think about it in a fresh way. Okay, so the question we're going to look at has to do with investing. Parece bastante sencilla a simple vista, pero me gusta porque creo que se relaciona con lo que ya hablamos hoy con respecto al propósito. So a listener writes, "I've tried searching online, but I'm still not sure I get it, what are target-date funds?"
Bright Dickson (21:18):
Es una excelente pregunta, y también me gustaría conocer la respuesta. Brian, you might have to bring out the purpose connection for me. No sé bien cómo se relacionan.
Brian Ford (21:26):
Well, I think we should be careful about making investing decisions until we've clearly defined what matters most to us. Lasting happiness doesn't come from stacking up giant piles of money, but it's from sticking to what we value. And that means following your unique purpose.
Okay, so for target-date funds, these are a popular choice for people investing for retirement typically. A veces los verás en un plan 529 de ahorros para la universidad. Hablaré sobre eso en un minuto. Pero, por lo general, se relaciona con la jubilación. I think I saw something like 75% of investors have at least some of their money in a target-date fund. A lot of 401(k) plans will actually default to investing in a target-date fund. That just means if you do nothing, they'll go into a target-date fund based on your age when you want to retire. And you can usually recognize a target-date fund from its name, which will include a year like 2040 or 2045, for example. Ese es el año en que planean jubilarse, la denominada fecha establecida.
The idea is that if you're planning to retire, let's say in 17 years from now, you could put your retirement money into a 2040 target-date fund. So the appeal here is that a target-date fund, it automatically rebalances based on your time until retirement. What that means is, the holdings in a target-date fund, they move away from riskier investments, like stocks, and into more conservative assets, like bonds, as you get closer to that target date. And that's following a pretty common strategy when it comes to investing for retirement, essentially reducing your risk as you get closer to retirement and have less time in the market.
Bright Dickson (23:13):
Okay. So the way I'm understanding it, with a target-date fund, is that you can set it and forget it. ¿Es así?
Brian Ford (23:22):
Yeah, I mean, that's the idea. Everyone knows I'm a fan of putting our financial decisions on autopilot whenever possible. Target-date funds can be a good choice, especially when starting out or just for those folks who aren't really that interested in investing but still want a disciplined approach. So target-day funds can give us a diversified portfolio, which is essential, and it allows us to be relatively hands-off because the fund becomes less risky as we get closer to retirement. But of course, you may not want to be hands-off. You may want more choices in your investments. Especially as you grow closer to retirement and get older, you might also collect other assets that complicate your financial picture or change your risk tolerance in a way that could require an approach that's a little more tailored to you individually. And that's just fine.
En parte, por eso es tan importante reflexionar en su propósito y sus metas particulares al planificar la jubilación porque todo depende de su situación, su tolerancia al riesgo, su edad y todos esos otros factores únicos sobre ustedes. That's why even the most hands-off investors really, I still recommend taking the time to do some research, consult with a financial planner, and ultimately make their own decisions. Y por eso debemos analizar detenidamente qué cosas valoramos al invertir para la jubilación.
Bright Dickson (24:40):
Yeah. And as a newbie investor myself, I also want to let our listeners know that they should definitely go back and find our past episodes about investing. Me han sido sumamente útiles. De hecho, Brian, recibí un mensaje de texto de mi mamá el otro día diciéndome que también fueron útiles para ella, lo cual es excelente. She was like-
Brian Ford (24:58):
Bright Dickson (24:59):
Yeah, she was very enthusiastic about it. But particularly look for the episode listeners with the great Dr. Daniel Crosby and for another previous episode called Reasons You're Not Investing. So those are great resources for anybody who's sort of trying to beat those investing scares and get into it.
Brian Ford (25:18):
Sin duda. El Dr. Crosby compartió excelentes consejos sobre las inversiones. Aún cito sus palabras hoy en día porque participó de nuestro podcast. Definitely go back, check that one out, I think you'll enjoy those.
Okay, so we appreciate that question. Thank you. And if you have a topic you want to hear from us discussed on a future episode, please write us to Okay, Bright, on with the show.
Bright Dickson (25:45):
Continuemos con el programa. Retomemos la charla sobre llevar a la práctica nuestro propósito.
Brian Ford (26:01):
Muy bien, Bright, debo decir que me gustó cómo cantabas cuando terminábamos la última sección. Realmente no me lo esperaba. I like it though.
Okay. We've gone through the steps of creating a personal purpose statement. Entonces, una vez que hacemos eso, Bright, ¿cómo nos aseguramos de que estamos pasando a la acción y realmente viviendo bajo la regla de nuestro propósito?
Bright Dickson (26:25):
Entonces, como dijimos anteriormente, es genial tener una declaración de propósito. Realmente no importa si no reaccionamos ante eso, ¿verdad? ¿Entonces, cómo lo hace? So one thing is that you want to keep it in front of you. You want to keep it present. En mi caso, lo hago literalmente y se lo recomiendo a los demás. So my statement is on an index card that sits on my desk at all times. Pueden guardarla en el teléfono, pueden escribirla en una nota adhesiva, lo que sea que funcione para usted; pero deben tenerla presente. One of the things that helps you do is to have it in your day to day. So one of the things that I do with it is that I'll do a little end-of-day inventory about my purpose and say sort of like, "Where did I hit it? What was happening that I was on purpose?"
Brian Ford (27:14):
Okay, I like that.
Bright Dickson (27:15):
¿Y qué sucedía cuando no pude llevarlo a la práctica? Because this is not about perfection. This is about purpose. So you want to make sure that you're doing a little inventory about how's it going for you, maybe not daily, but on a regular basis. And that's growth mindset. So that's growth mindsetting this bad boy and finding those opportunities to learn and change, because there's not going to be that day where I achieve my purpose and the angels singing, and the sun shines down on me, and it's like, "Now I'm a good person and I've lived into my purpose." Esto no es así, ¿verdad? It's a process, it's a growth process, and it's a deepening process. Requiere actuar. Su propósito no significa nada a menos que lo lleven a la práctica.
Brian Ford (28:04):
Exactamente. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo. Creo que las declaraciones de propósito y este tipo de ideas visionarias sobre la vida son importantes. Sin embargo, son solo eso, lo que significa que son solo una visión o un sueño hasta que las financiamos. Creo que uno de los máximos actos de compromiso y acción por parte de una persona, una compañía o una organización es lo que financian. So if you want to know what an individual or a company stands for, don't always listen to what they say, look for what they fund and what they actually put their capital behind.
Bright, I love this. This is really getting at the heart of why I love personal finance so much. I mean, we can make a vision or a dream or a purpose, a reality, by actually putting money behind it. Y para hacerlo, debemos implementar buenos principios financieros en nuestra vida.
Bright Dickson (28:56):
Yep, totally. And it kind of makes me think that it's like the money where your mouth is thing, right?
Brian Ford (29:03):
Sí, claro.
Bright Dickson (29:04):
It's like living by your purpose is almost like the alternative to those insecurities. It's the alternative to Keeping Up with the Joneses or these other sort of mental traps we fall into when we are making money decisions that don't line up with our purpose and what we value. So when you're keeping your purpose top of mind in your actions, in your funding, all of that things kind of start to fall into place. So you kind of have to design your life to meet that purpose, and your purpose tells you how to design your life, so your education, your relationships, your money, all of that. You got to put your money where your mouth is, and your purpose guides all of it. El propósito es una forma no solo de mantenernos fieles a quienes somos, sino también de hacer realidad lo que queremos ser.
Brian Ford (30:05):
Yes. So true. That is a great statement. Hacer realidad lo que queremos ser. Uh... Es brillante. También dijiste algo más que llamó mi atención. Lo que dijiste acerca de que el propósito es una alternativa a nuestras inseguridades. Es brillante porque es muy cierto que nuestras inseguridades pueden meternos en problemas con cómo gastamos nuestro dinero. Y nuestra declaración de propósito es una forma de volver a pensar con claridad y de recordarnos no solo quiénes somos sino también en quiénes nos queremos convertir y cómo deseamos gastar nuestro dinero. So if you think about some of the reasons why we spend money on stuff that we don't really need or want, it so often goes back to those yucky insecurities. But our purpose statement can keep us on track to financially prioritize the things we really do care about.
Bright Dickson (30:59):
Sí. Y, Brian, sé que es algo de lo que hablas todo el tiempo. ¿Puedes contarnos un poco más acerca de cómo el dinero se conecta con las cosas, las ideas y los sueños que valoramos? ¿Cómo funciona eso en conjunto?
Brian Ford (31:11):
Yeah, I love that question because I think it gets to the real heart of what we do on this show. I want to flash back for just a second to each of our purpose statements. Bien Bright, ninguno de nosotros incluyó la palabra dinero o finanzas en su declaración de propósito.
Bright Dickson (31:28):
Brian Ford (31:29):
Yeah. And I think that's significant. Para ser claros, me encanta el dinero. De lo contrario, no estaría haciendo esto. But when people are like, "Brian, why do you love talking about and teaching about money so much? And why are you such a financial nerd?" My first answer to that is, "I don't really know. It's a little bit ingrained in me, and it always has been." But my better, slightly more thought out answer is, "I love people. Amo a mi familia. Amo mi fe. I want to be happy." Y si logro dominar este tema del dinero. Todo lo que valoro, todo lo que amo será mejor. I think of money as simply a means to a much deeper end. No es el único medio, pero es muy importante. Valoro el dinero por lo que puede hacer para ayudarme a vivir mi propósito y empoderar a las personas y las cosas que me importan.
Bright Dickson (32:22):
Sí. Eso es espectacular. And I think it also shows, Brian, how you can apply your purpose statement to specific domains in your life. So whether that's to your family, your career, your marriage, what we're talking about now, your relationship with money. So part of purpose statements is that they're integrated into every aspect of your life. So it not just the work statement or the leadership or the relationship, it's all of it together. So you can kind of ask yourself like, "Okay, if I were living my purpose in the domain of money, what would I do and what would that mean?" And I think probably, Brian, 99 times out of 100, what I'm going to do and what most people will want to do is stick to those money principles that you talk about all the time because that's going to build good habits and it's going to allow you to live in integrity with your purpose statement.
Brian Ford (33:22):
Sí. Y si vivimos de acuerdo con buenos principios financieros, tendremos más dinero para financiar nuestro propósito. Pero, desafortunadamente, lo contrario también es cierto. Si nuestra vida financiera está desequilibrada, las cosas importantes en nuestra vida se verán afectadas. Pero si tomamos decisiones monetarias con nuestro propósito general en mente, nuestro dinero y las cosas que más nos importan en la vida estarán en armonía, lo que a su vez aumentará nuestro bienestar mental.
Bright Dickson (33:47):
Me encanta. Brian, sé que podríamos hablar de esto por horas, pero no podemos. Entonces, pensando en todo lo que hablamos hoy, ¿cuáles son algunas de las ideas más destacadas para ti? So a couple of things that I'm going to take away: One, I love what you just said about harmony and that purpose can help you live in harmony, and have that cohesion, that integrity across all of those domains. It doesn't mean that things are necessarily going to be easy, right? It's not a silver bullet, it's not a golden ticket, whatever you want to use, but it helps you be able to make it easier and smoother and more coherent.
Brian Ford (34:32):
Sí. Me gusta eso. Me vienen dos cosas a la mente. Primero, me gusta la idea de que cuando batallo con algo, cuando no soy mi mejor versión... Mi declaración de propósito puede centrarme y ayudarme a volver al camino correcto. En segundo lugar, creo que para comprometernos por completo con nuestro propósito, necesitamos financiarlo. Y cuanto mejor maneje mis finanzas, más dinero tendré para hacer realidad mi visión y mis sueños.
Okay, that's going to do it for this episode of Money and Mindset. Thanks to all of our listeners for joining us. And a special thanks to you, Bright, for being such a fantastic guide to all things purpose.
Bright Dickson (35:12):
Thank you, Brian, for being awesome as always, and thanks to our equally awesome listeners. Y si les gustó el programa, asegúrense de suscribirse, compártanlo con sus amigos o dejen una calificación o reseña. Hasta la próxima.
Locutor (35:39):
Este episodio de Money and Mindset With Bright and Brian es presentado por Truist.
Su propósito puede ayudarle a vivir a su máximo potencial. Cuando usted conoce su propósito, sabe el "para qué", y cuando sabe el "para qué", generalmente se centra en el "cómo" también.
En este episodio de "Money and Mindset With Bright and Brian", nuestros presentadores lo acompañarán en los pasos para definir su declaración de propósito personal. Además, compartirán cómo su propósito puede ayudarle a tomar buenas decisiones económicas para apoyar sus metas y su bienestar.
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Las opiniones expresadas corresponden únicamente a Brian Ford y a Bright Dickson.
Este contenido no constituye asesoramiento legal, fiscal, contable, financiero, de salud mental o de inversión. Le recomendamos consultar a profesionales competentes del área legal, impositiva, contable, financiera o de inversiones en función de sus circunstancias particulares. No garantizamos la veracidad ni la integridad de esta información; tampoco avalamos compañías, productos o servicios de terceros aquí descriptos ni asumimos la responsabilidad legal por el uso que usted le dé a la presente información.
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