Truist Momentum

ID de componente: "accordionGridLayout-1065883206"
Modelo: "descargo de responsabilidad"
Posición: "izquierda"

Truist Momentum


(Visual Description: Truist Momentum)

Bill Rogers, Chairman and CEO, Truist)


Bill Rogers: We know that literally millions of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Companies can play a significant role in advancing the financial wellness for everyone.


(Visual Description: Brian Ford, Director of Financial Well-Being, Truist)

At Truist, our purpose is to inspire and build better lives and communities, so we worked with industry experts to develop a financial wellness program. And quite frankly, the results are amazing.


(Visual Description: Potential results

Productivity, Up

Employee engagement, Up

Turn over, Down

Absenteeism, Down

Results may vary based on company, industry, and which program the company employs

Signe Garnitz, Executive Director of HR, 22Squared)


Signe Garnitz: The response we've gotten has really been exciting. We initially got involved in the program to provide tools and opportunities for our employees.


(Visual Description: Clarence Smith, CEO, Havertys)

Clarence Smith: We offered it to the whole team, about 150 people. We had 90% of the people come to the kickoff sessions.


(Visual Description: David Yeend, Truist Momentum participant, 22Squared)

David Yeend: I had never been offered anything like this from an employer before. It made me feel like they cared.


(Visual Description: Amanda Warner, Truist Momentum participant, 22Squared)

Amanda Warner: For someone like me that doesn't actually understand finance in any way, shape, or form, it was just smart ideas that made sense to me.


(Visual Description: Valerie Anonyuo, Truist Momentum participant, Havertys)

Valerie Anonyuo: I have one savings account, and everything goes in there. The program helped me to separate accounts. That was something I think that was new to me.


(Visual Description: Yimeka Robbins, Truist Momentum participant, Havertys)

Yimeka Robbins: You think you know everything about finance, or at least I did. I thought I knew everything, and there were certain things I didn't know. How to invest, how to look for a good mortgage when you're buying a house.

Signe Garnitz: Funnily enough, my husband is in this line of work. Yet, we have never sat down and talked about the values that drive the choices we make and how we spend our money.

Clarence Smith: I would be stopped in the hall by employees that have been with us for 15 years and say, "This is the most important thing that the company's ever done for me." It was really kind of overwhelming. We were kind of blown away by it.


(Visual Description: Truist Momentum

Truist title and logo)

Ayude a sus empleados a lograr más con sus finanzas.

Truist Momentum inspira, educa y equipa a sus empleados para administrar su dinero según sus propias prioridades.

Lo que Truist Momentum ofrece a sus empleados

El programa de bienestar financiero de Truist Momentum ofrece las herramientas y la educación para ayudar a sus empleados a conseguir más.

Tenga acceso a nuestro centro de aprendizaje en línea desde cualquier dispositivo

Variedad de módulos en línea autodirigidos o con instructor, ofrecidos en planta o virtualmente

Gestión de finanzas personales con My MoneyDesktop1, una herramienta de MX Technologies, Inc.

Asesoramiento financiero personalizado2

Configuración del programa sin problemas para su empresa

Hacemos el trabajo pesado para que usted pueda centrarse en su empresa.

  • Una guía de implementación totalmente operativa.
  • Oradores con experiencia para lanzar e impulsar el programa
  • Un tablero de seguimiento e informes de impacto del programa
  • Apoyo continuo para el programa de parte del equipo de Truist

¿Un programa de bienestar que produce resultados? Sin duda.

ID de componente: "accordionGridLayout-1258555937"
Modelo: "descargo de responsabilidad"
Posición: "izquierda"

Truist Momentum #2

NARRATOR: Your employees are invaluable to your company. And when they feel confident about their finances, it shows. They're more productive at work, and able to reset and refresh at home.

(Visual Description: Truist Logo, Truist Momentum)

Truist is committed to building better lives and communities, so you can help your employees thrive, starting with the Truist Momentum program, which gives your employees the financial confidence they need to handle anything that comes their way.

Don't just take our word for it. We checked in with the participants and discovered three important things.

Employees who completed the program are more confident than those who haven't.

(Visual Description: 59% haven’t started the program

84% Completed the program)

They're more optimistic about their future and feel more in control of their finances, no matter how much money they make.

(Visual Description: 50% haven’t started the program

67% Completed the program)

And they're happier with their employer.

(Visual Description: Graph shows employee retention rise with the happiness level of employees)

They feel confident their company cares about their financial well-being and are more likely to want to keep working there.

(Visual Description: See themselves working for their current employer in 3 years

91% Completed the program)

Finally, they're just happier with their lives. They're more confident in themselves and their ability to enjoy life to the fullest.

(Visual Description: 37% haven’t started the program

57% Completed the program)

You can change the lives of your employees for the better with the help of Truist Momentum. Learn more today.

(Visual Description: Truist Momentum

Sources: 1” Momentum onUp Involvement Survey.” 2018

Note: Based on the aggregate results of survey respondents at participating companies. Results may vary based on company, industry and which program company employees.

Truist Bank, Member FDIC. ©2020 Truist Financial Corporation. Truist, Truist Purple, and the Truist logo are service marks of Truist Financial Corporation.)

Here’s what employees who have completed the program have to say.

One. Employees who completed the program are more financially confident.

They’re more optimistic about their future and feel like they have active control over their finances—no matter how much money they make.


Two. They’re happier with their employer and more engaged with their company.

They feel reassured that their company cares about their financial well-being and have a longer-term investment in working there.


Three. They’re happier, period.

They’re more confident in themselves and their ability to enjoy life to the fullest.



Better financial well-being continues. Since completing the program, 72% of participants say they feel they can handle a major unexpected expense. More than 90% see themselves working at their employer in three years. And 54% are more likely to feel they can enjoy life because of the way they’re managing their money.3

El 72%

de los participantes afirman sentirse capaces de afrontar un gasto importante e inesperado.


se ve trabajando en su empresa dentro de tres años.

El 54%

tiene más probabilidades de sentir que puede disfrutar de la vida gracias a la forma en que gestiona su dinero.3

¿Cuánto cuesta Truist Momentum?

Truist Momentum se ofrece a precio de costo, sin beneficio alguno para Truist. ¿Por qué? Porque estamos comprometidos a ayudar a las personas a tomar las decisiones financieras que conducen a mejores oportunidades.

También mantenemos el programa sin publicidad. No venderemos nada a sus empleados y toda su información será confidencial.

Para obtener más información, contacte a nuestro equipo o eche un vistazo a nuestras preguntas más frecuentes.

Preguntas frecuentes

ID de componente: "faq-1152111371"
Modelo: "faq"
Posición: "izquierda"

Cuando sus empleados están capacitados para tomar buenas decisiones financieras, pueden perder menos tiempo ocupándose de sus finanzas y estar más comprometidos con su organización.

Al ofrecer un programa de bienestar financiero, su organización muestra a sus empleados que usted se preocupa por ellos, y eso les permite preocuparse más por su trabajo.

Con Truist Momentum, los empleados aprenden a tomar decisiones financieras que conducen a mejores oportunidades, independientemente de su salario. El estrés financiero existe en todos los niveles y la naturaleza humana es gastar más cuando se gana más. Más dinero no significa necesariamente más ahorros. Cualquiera puede llegar a gastar más de la cuenta, pero Truist Momentum le puede ayudar a centrarse en lo que importa.

No hay problema. Hemos diseñado el programa para que sea sencillo de configurar. Nuestros clientes han comprobado que no les supone mucho trabajo. Y cuando necesite apoyo, estaremos ahí para usted.

Truist existe para inspirar y propiciar vidas y comunidades mejores. Con una orientación basada en las necesidades únicas de las personas, queremos ayudar a las personas y a los comercios a conseguir más, y queremos que su empresa también forme parte de ello.