Description: Rock music fades in.
Announcer and crowd (off screen): Boys Club! Girls Club!
Visual Description: The building front of East End Preparatory School. A sign that says “Grit.” A set of blue lockers. Kids’ drawings on a corkboard.
Visual Description: Deandre Hopkins is interviewed.
Deandre Hopkins: Deandre Hopkins here with Boys and Girls Club and Truist, here to talk some financial literacy, have fun, play a little flag football, just teach some knowledge.
Visual Description: Football play diagrams swirl on a purple background
On-Screen Text: Beyond the Field
Visual Description: Deandre Hopkins talks to a cafeteria full of children.
Deandre Hopkins: My name is Deandre Hopkins. I watch football. Any of y'all watch football?
Audio Description: Children cheer.
Visual Description: Deandre Hopkins is interviewed.
Deandre Hopkins: I think it's important today that these kids learn about financial literacy and not just that, but how to take care of themselves.
Visual Description: Deandre Hopkins talks to the kids in the cafeteria.
Deandre Hopkins: Alright, well today we are here to talk about financial literacy. Y'all ready? Y'all got to make smart choices one day when you're older, when you get a little bit more money.
Visual Description: Hopkins takes pictures with kids. A Truist ambassador speaks to the group. Cameron Wells is interviewed.
On-Screen Text: Cameron Wells, Truist Regional Market President
Cameron Wells: We're here today with the Boys and Girls Club. We're getting together with the kids here and doing some financial education, which we know will be a life skill that they're going to need.
Visual Description: One of the kids gives Wells a high five.
Cameron Wells: High five. Right there. There we go.
Visual Description: Deandre Hopkins speaks to the children who are gathered in a gym, getting ready to exercise.
Deandre Hopkins: Alright, so we talked a little financial literacy. Now we’re about to come out here and work out a little bit. Y'all listen to your coaches and let's have fun.
Visual Description: The kids run through football-type drills in the gym.
Deandre Hopkins: You know what to do? Yeah, I’m going to see you.
Visual Description: Deandre Hopkins lightly tosses a ball. A girl in the gym catches it.
Deandre Hopkins: Yeah, there you go! Go, go, go!
Visual Description: Exercises, games, and football drills continue by the kids in the gym.
Deandre Hopkins: They pretty good, man.
Visual Description: Cameron Wells speaks to the group of kids after they’re done exercising.
Cameron Wells: I had a lot of fun watching you guys. Y'all had a great time. Y'all did a great job. On behalf of Truist, it is my honor to get to present the Boys and Girls Club of Middle Tennessee with a $10,000 check for all the great work that they do.
Visual Description: The children clap and cheer. Wells holds an oversized check marked for ten thousand dollars. Deandre Hopkins takes over the microphone.
Deandre Hopkins: Alright, so this year the Super Bowl is in New Orleans. We about to give somebody a chance to go to the Super Bowl.
On-Screen Text: Jeff Darnell, BGC Club Director for over 30 years
Deandre Hopkins: Mr. Jeff, we got two tickets to the Super Bowl.
Visual Description: Hopkins passes two oversized Super Bowl Tickets to Jeff Darnell, who is in disbelief. The two shake hands and hug.
Visual Description: Deandre Hopkins is interviewed. The kids gather together in the gym for a photo.
Deandre Hopkins: The day went amazing. A lot of smiles, a lot of happiness. I think those kids learned some valuable lessons. I talked a little finance, played some sports. I don't think it could have went any better.
Visual Description: The Truist and NFL logos appear together on a purple background.
On-Screen Text: An Official Retail Bank of the NFL. Truist Bank, Miembro FDIC. Copyright 2024 Truist Financial Corporation. TRUIST, the Truist logo and Truist Purple are service marks of Truist Financial Corporation. In partnership with VISA.
Audio Description: Rock music fades out.