This film is a metaphor for what we’re all going through - hoping that when our communities thrive again, in the near future, that our daily, once-neglected, tiny joys will be ours again.
This is the tale of one dog’s journey to Main Street as he goes from store to store.
We see a dog lying on his porch. He picks his head up to reveal his name tag. It tells us his name is Sam.
Sam leaves his porch, then leaves his yard and trots off down the street to go on a journey.
He passes through his neighborhood; it looks as if the rain just let up. We see his determined face close up. We see the pitter patter of his paws on the pavement as he passes green yards.
Sam crosses a crosswalk into town. But the town looks empty.
He goes back to stores he knows, but they are closed. At a barber shop, he peers through the window. No one is there.
He walks down Main Street, past a closed clothing store. Then he goes to a Biscuit House, it too is closed. We humans can see there is a closed sign on the door. He walks down the street and to another door.
Again, we Sam through the window of a store. He waits hopefully.
Now from inside the store, we see an African American woman opening the shutter on her storefront door. Sam jumps excitedly on the other side.
The owner opens the door and gives Sam his first treat in months. She gives him a pat on the head.
Super: We're helping small businesses come back.
We cut to Sam now running down a busier Main Street. There is a man putting out an open sign. A florist is readying the front of her store, as Sam runs full tilt toward the next store.
From inside a gift shop, Sam runs in off the street and puts his front paws on the counter, where a hand reaches into a dog treat jar and gives Sam another treat. As he happily chomps on his treat we type that says:
Super: Because when they do, that's good for everyone.
We then cut to a beautiful shot of the outskirts of the town, Sam is heading home, happy and satisfied. He is trotting, then runs, then trots again, as if he can't wait to tell someone his story.
The audience learns of the role of Truist in the community. The type says:
Super: Truist Financial is helping over 100,000 businesses,
supporting 2.8 million jobs.
The screen turns purple BB&T and Suntrust logos appear and animate into the new Truist logo. A URL animates onto the screen:
Legal: Truist Bank, Member FDIC. © 2020 Truist Financial Corporation. Truist, the Truist logo, the BB&T logo, the SunTrust logo and Truist Purple are service marks of Truist Financial Corporation.