Cuenta corriente Truist Community Checking

Tomar medidas requiere compromiso; tanto de usted como de nosotros. Diseñado específicamente para organizaciones sin fines de lucro, ahora puede realizar más operaciones bancarias por menos.

  • 225 Transacciones mensuales sin costoDivulgación 1
  • Procesamiento de efectivo por mes sin cargo ilimitado
  • cargo de mantenimiento mensual de$0

Más detalles sobre la cuenta corriente Truist Community Checking

  • Depósitos en efectivo mensuales sin cargo.
  • Tarjeta de débito para empresas Truist Business para usted y los empleados que elija.
  • Administración sencilla de cuenta digital.
  • Pago de facturas en línea gratuito.
  • Ayude a impedir los fraudes con Fraud Inspector™.
La mejor opción si usted
  • Es una organización de servicio comunitario o cívico sin fines de lucro.
  • Completa menos de 225 transacciones por mes.
ID de componente: "accordionGridLayout-334394201"
Modelo: "descargo de responsabilidad"
Posición: "izquierda"

Non-Profit Checking Account: Community Business Checking

(Visual Description: Truist title and logo appear in the center of the page.)

Welcome to Truist community checking.

An account designed with care for nonprofits and community organizations so that they can do even more, with up to 225 monthly transactions. 

Disclosure: No charge for the first 225 total combined transactions per monthly statement cycle. Transactions include deposits and deposited items, checks, ATM transactions, point-of-sale purchases, and ACH debits. Wire transfer services and commercial and treasury management services may also be included. There are fees for exceeding stated limits. See Truist's Business Deposit Account Fee Schedule for additional details. 

An unlimited monthly cash processing at no charge, all with no monthly maintenance fee. 

And that's just the start.  

(Visual Description: Truist Account dashboard is shown on a smart device.)  

With a few easy steps you can add tools and features to help you manage the funds that support your organization's vision.  

Enroll in online banking and download the mobile app to start managing your money virtually anytime, from pretty much anywhere. 

(Visual Description: A mobile device displays the Home screen of the Truist mobile banking app.) 

You can link other bank accounts, make deposits, send payments, and more. 

(Visual Description: Transfer & Pay screen is shown with options listed – Transfer money & pay Truist accounts, Use bill pay, Send Money with Zelle and Enroll in ACH payment services) 

Plus, add debit cards for you and any authorized users you choose. 

You can even customize the debit card with your organization's logo. 

(Visual Description: Truist bank debit card samples with custom logos are displayed.) 

Need checks? save $25 On your first order. 

Take advantage of all these benefits when you fund your account. 

(Visual Description: Transfer from an existing account. Use a debit or prepaid card. Deposit a check.)

The work you do is essential to helping our community thrive. 

And we're right here with you to make it happen. 

(Visual Description: Truist title and logo appear in the center of the page.)


Truist Bank, Member FDIC. Copyright 2023 Truist Financial Corporation. 

Truist, the Truist logo and Truist Purple are service marks of Truist Financial Corporation.


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    ¿Busca algo más?

    También tenemos soluciones de administración de efectivo para empresas con necesidades más complejas.